Aberrant Conduction
[Speaker] Jinhee Ahn / Pusan National Univ., Korea
Differential Diagnosis of 2nd Degree AV Block (Mobitz Type 1 and 2, 2:1 AV Block, Blocked APC Bigeminy)
[Speaker] Min Soo Cho / Ulsan Univ., Korea
Differential Diagnosis of Narrow QRS Tachycardia (Long RP vs Short RP)
[Speaker] Kwang No Lee / Ajou Univ., Korea
Finding Pathway Location (Delta Wave, Retrograde P Wave, Coumel’s Law)
[Speaker] Ha Young Choi / Soonchunhyang Univ., Korea
ECG Findings of Idiopathic VT (Outflow Tract VT, Fascicular VT)
[Speaker] Hancheol Lee / National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital, Korea
STEMI Equivalent ECG (Wellens’ Syndrome, De Winter T Waves, Left Main Coronary Disease)
[Speaker] Hye Bin Gwag / Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea